This last week I was in Austin, TX at the ARC Conference. ARC stands for Association of Related Churches...a network of churches that partner together with a mission to plant churches. What I love about the ARC is the relationships. I have the privilege of serving on the leadership team with some amazing movers and shakers that have made me a better Pastor and person.
(hanging out with friends; Pastor Rick Bezet, New Life Church, Conway, Ark and Pastor Naeem Fazaal, Mosaic Church, Charlotte, NC)
(Martha with Lori Champion from Celebration Church, Austin, TX)
Pastor Joe and Lori Champion with Celebration Church did an amazing job of hosting the Conference this year. Pastor Joe also kicked it off with a powerful message. One of the highlights for me was getting a chance to spend some small group time with Pastor Craig Groeschel from Life Church in OK City. Outreach Magazine listed him as the most influential pastor in U.S. One of the things he shared with us was that to be a pastor of a large, growing church you must be willing to endure pain. That was painful to hear but so true! In the large group session he spoke about having “IT”. Churches that have “IT” are growing and making a difference. What is “IT”? You can go here and see the notes that Pastor Jeff Kapusta took.
Another highlight was Pastor Dino Rizzo’s session on Riding the Waves. He shared the 4 Rules of the Surf Club:
1. Never Surf Alone
2. You Will Hit The Reef of Rejection
3. You Have To Go Find the Unridden Waves
4. Let’s Surf the Globe
He also provided everyone with a free postcard of the ARC leadership team getting ready to surf. I’m the short guy on the left side that’s really cut.
To read the entire notes of the sessions you can go to
Oh, by the way. The ARC has already started 10 churches so far this year with plans to start several more.