I love this time of year! The weather is getting warmer, flowers are blooming and there’s a freshness in the air. But far greater than all of that is that this is the time of year that we celebrate that our Savior not only died for our sins but He rose from the grave! A lot of prayer and preparation has gone into this weekend and I can’t wait to see all that God is going to do in our lives. Let’s remember that Easter is not just for us to celebrate but to reach out to others. Here are a few things I want to encourage the C3 Family to do…
1. PRAYING – pray for the 6 services in Raleigh and Clayton. Pray for God’s power to be revealed to each person, for those that don’t know Christ to experience His love and forgiveness. For me and the C3 team that we will have strength for all of the services.
2. PARKING – for those in Clayton please park as far away as possible so that the prime parking spots closest to the worship center are available for our guests. And the same for Raleigh. Please park at the back of the parking deck.
3. BRINGING – over the next few days invite and bring your neighbors and friends to attend one of our 6 services. Offer to take them out for a meal before or after. You can do this personally through email, phone, facebook, twitter, or face to face!
4. ATTENDING… SATURDAY NIGHT! – If possible please consider attending one of our two Saturday night services in Clayton, 4:30pm or 6:30pm. Our services on Sunday morning will be overflowing and we need to free up as many seats as possible for our guests on Sunday morning.
5. SERVING – if you are available to serve we have opportunities for you. Just let us know by contacting us at [email protected] or by calling the church office 919-934-3551.
You will notice that the title is the C3 Church twitter address. You can sign up by going to twitter.com and begin getting updates. You can also follow me @mattfry or keep up with the C3 Church Raleigh @c3raleigh. But most importantly let’s keep following Christ and believe that this weekend is going to be the best ever!